b'15 Strategy12Landscape Rebates and Low-Flow Fixture Promotions Helping to offset the cost of switching to water-saving household applications, both indoor and outdoorThe quantity of materials required to convert a turf-grass yard into a water-conscious landscape may pose a nancial barrier for some. Ottawa County and its partners plan to explore cost-rebate options by utilizing grants, corporate sponsorships or other funding sources.The County and its partners support the implementation of water-saving low-ow xtures (e.g. showerheads, faucets, and toilets) through existing and potential programs. The distribution of these xtures to homeowners at reduced or no cost depends on available grant funding along with public and private donations.Current PartnersDid You Know.Toilets are among the biggest indoor water wasters, followed by showers, faucets, and clothes washing machines.4 A moderate toilet leak can waste 6,000 gallons of clean, drinkable water in a month! 531print plan.13.indd 31 2/19/2020 12:13:53 PM'