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County & State Government Dashboard

Ottawa's 2017 Ranking: 9 of 29 Counties with Populations of 65,000 or more

Ottawa County Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey

Explanation of the Indicator

This chart reflects the percent of the population 25 years and over that have attained a Bachelor's Degree or higher. High college enrollment and the number of students receiving degrees contribute to the quality of a community's workforce.


In some cases, County-level data are not available from the same data source used by the State. In other cases, County-level data are not available for the same time frame used by the State. In these instances, data sources and time frames were selected that most closely match those of the State. Due to this difference, it must be noted that comparisons may not be completely equivalent in all cases. Michigan’s and Ottawa County’s data source is the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey. When this page was last updated in August 2019, 2015 data was the most recent data available for Michigan, and 2017 data was the most recent data available for Ottawa County. State of Michigan dashboard measures were last updated in December 2018 prior to the change in administration. Plans for future data updates from the new administration have not been communicated as of yet.

Infant Mortality
Rate is decreasing
Rate is increasing
Third Grade Reading
Rate is increasing
College Readiness
Rate is increasing
Higher Education
Rate is increasing