Fiscal Services

To enhance the experience of residents and visitors, we provide all-encompassing financial support through partnerships and collaboration with those that deliver direct services.

The Fiscal Services Department operates under the direction of the County Administrator by and through the Fiscal Services Director.


Services include financial management, centralized procurement, budget administration, vendor payments, customer billing, grant reporting, fixed asset accounting, and debt management.

Accounting Manager
Beth Day
(616) 738-4845
Accounts Payable
Olga Frederick
(616) 738-4840
PH Accounting
Nina Baranowski
(616) 393-4418

Joe Zywicki
(616) 393-4411
CMH Accounting
Amy Bodbyl-Mast
(616) 393-5642

Nicholas Sall
(616) 494-5547
Accounts Receivable
(616) 738-4843
Budget Manager
Tyler Weavers
Budget/Audit Analyst
Brandi Mitchem
(616) 738-4627

David Gall
(616) 738-4699

Emma Bryant
(616) 738-4856
Budget/Audit Analyst
Alex Kapral
(616) 738-4958

Sandra Brinks
(616) 738-4842